
Homepage se zobrazí, ale nahoře mi hlásí:
Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/content/n3pnexwpnas01_data01/21/3385521/html/v2/wp-content/themes/videopro-child-demo/dynamic.css) is not within the allowed path(s): (/data/web/virtuals/246774/virtual) in /data/web/virtuals/246774/virtual/www/domains/chart.sk/wp-content/plugins/option-tree/includes/ot-functions.php on line 236

zde je: ot-functions.php

$value ) {

foreach ( $value as $ckey => $cvalue ) {

$id = $option_id . ‘_’ . $ckey . ‘_’ . $key;
$_string = icl_t( ‘Theme Options’, $id, $cvalue );

if ( ! empty( $_string ) ) {

$options[ $option_id ][ $key ][ $ckey ] = $_string;

// List Item & Slider.
} elseif ( $option_id === $setting[‘id’] && ‘social-links’ === $setting[‘type’] ) {

foreach ( $options[ $option_id ] as $key => $value ) {

foreach ( $value as $ckey => $cvalue ) {

$id = $option_id . ‘_’ . $ckey . ‘_’ . $key;
$_string = icl_t( ‘Theme Options’, $id, $cvalue );

if ( ! empty( $_string ) ) {

$options[ $option_id ][ $key ][ $ckey ] = $_string;

// All other acceptable option types.
} elseif ( $option_id === $setting[‘id’] && in_array( $setting[‘type’], apply_filters( ‘ot_wpml_option_types’, array( ‘text’, ‘textarea’, ‘textarea-simple’ ) ), true ) ) {

$_string = icl_t( ‘Theme Options’, $option_id, $options[ $option_id ] );

if ( ! empty( $_string ) ) {

$options[ $option_id ] = $_string;

return $options[ $option_id ];

if ( ! function_exists( ‘ot_load_dynamic_css’ ) ) {

* Enqueue the dynamic CSS.
* @access public
* @since 2.0
function ot_load_dynamic_css() {

// Don’t load in the admin.
if ( is_admin() ) {

* Filter whether or not to enqueue a `dynamic.css` file at the theme level.
* By filtering this to `false` OptionTree will not attempt to enqueue any CSS files.
* Example: add_filter( ‘ot_load_dynamic_css’, ‘__return_false’ );
* @since 2.5.5
* @param bool $load_dynamic_css Default is `true`.
* @return bool
if ( false === (bool) apply_filters( ‘ot_load_dynamic_css’, true ) ) {

// Grab a copy of the paths.
$ot_css_file_paths = get_option( ‘ot_css_file_paths’, array() );
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$ot_css_file_paths = get_blog_option( get_current_blog_id(), ‘ot_css_file_paths’, $ot_css_file_paths );

if ( ! empty( $ot_css_file_paths ) ) {

$last_css = ”;

// Loop through paths.
foreach ( $ot_css_file_paths as $key => $path ) {

if ( ” !== $path && file_exists( $path ) ) {

$parts = explode( ‘/wp-content’, $path );

if ( isset( $parts[1] ) ) {

$sub_parts = explode( ‘/’, $parts[1] );

if ( isset( $sub_parts[1] ) && isset( $sub_parts[2] ) ) {
if ( ‘themes’ !== $sub_parts[1] && get_stylesheet() !== $sub_parts[2] ) {

$css = set_url_scheme( WP_CONTENT_URL ) . $parts[1];

if ( $last_css !== $css ) {

// Enqueue filtered file.
wp_enqueue_style( ‘ot-dynamic-‘ . $key, $css, false, OT_VERSION );

$last_css = $css;


if ( ! function_exists( ‘ot_load_google_fonts_css’ ) ) {

* Enqueue the Google Fonts CSS.
* @access public
* @since 2.5.0
function ot_load_google_fonts_css() {

/* don’t load in the admin */
if ( is_admin() ) {

$ot_google_fonts = get_theme_mod( ‘ot_google_fonts’, array() );
$ot_set_google_fonts = get_theme_mod( ‘ot_set_google_fonts’, array() );
$families = array();
$subsets = array();
$append = ”;

if ( ! empty( $ot_set_google_fonts ) ) {

foreach ( $ot_set_google_fonts as $id => $fonts ) {

foreach ( $fonts as $font ) {

// Can’t find the font, bail!
if ( ! isset( $ot_google_fonts[ $font[‘family’] ][‘family’] ) ) {

// Set variants & subsets.
if ( ! empty( $font[‘variants’] ) && is_array( $font[‘variants’] ) ) {

// Variants string.
$variants = ‘:’ . implode( ‘,’, $font[‘variants’] );

// Add subsets to array.
if ( ! empty( $font[‘subsets’] ) && is_array( $font[‘subsets’] ) ) {
foreach ( $font[‘subsets’] as $subset ) {
$subsets[] = $subset;

// Add family & variants to array.
if ( isset( $variants ) ) {
$families[] = str_replace( ‘ ‘, ‘+’, $ot_google_fonts[ $font[‘family’] ][‘family’] ) . $variants;

if ( ! empty( $families ) ) {

$families = array_unique( $families );

// Append all subsets to the path, unless the only subset is latin.
if ( ! empty( $subsets ) ) {
$subsets = implode( ‘,’, array_unique( $subsets ) );
if ( ‘latin’ !== $subsets ) {
$append = ‘&subset=’ . $subsets;

wp_enqueue_style( ‘ot-google-fonts’, esc_url( ‘//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=’ . implode( ‘%7C’, $families ) ) . $append, false, null ); // phpcs:ignore

if ( ! function_exists( ‘ot_register_theme_options_admin_bar_menu’ ) ) {

* Registers the Theme Option page link for the admin bar.
* @access public
* @since 2.1
* @param object $wp_admin_bar The WP_Admin_Bar object.
function ot_register_theme_options_admin_bar_menu( $wp_admin_bar ) {

if ( ! current_user_can( apply_filters( ‘ot_theme_options_capability’, ‘edit_theme_options’ ) ) || ! is_admin_bar_showing() ) {

‘parent’ => ‘appearance’,
‘id’ => apply_filters( ‘ot_theme_options_menu_slug’, ‘ot-theme-options’ ),
‘title’ => apply_filters( ‘ot_theme_options_page_title’, __( ‘Theme Options’, ‘option-tree’ ) ),
‘href’ => admin_url( apply_filters( ‘ot_theme_options_parent_slug’, ‘themes.php’ ) . ‘?page=’ . apply_filters( ‘ot_theme_options_menu_slug’, ‘ot-theme-options’ ) ),

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